Mwadagana Foundation
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Donation Total: $50.00

Charity, Health

Empowering Maternal and Newborn Health: The Mwada-Gana Foundation’s Journey


Welcome to the Mwada-Gana Foundation, where we are dedicated to making a lasting impact on maternal and newborn health in underserved communities. Our foundation was founded in memory of my parents, who instilled in me the importance of education and selflessness. Inspired by their legacy, we strive to bridge the healthcare gap and create a brighter future for vulnerable women and children.

Honoring the Legacy:

My parents, both teachers, taught us that education is the greatest gift one can receive. Despite their modest means, they provided us with the essentials and the belief that education opens doors to a better life. Their words continue to resonate, propelling me to become an Obstetrician and Gynecologist with a deep passion for maternal and newborn health.

Meeting the Needs:

At the Mwada-Gana Foundation, we understand the challenges faced by communities with limited access to healthcare services. That is why we have implemented initiatives such as the Women Health Center and Mobile Maternity Unit. These initiatives bring essential obstetric and newborn care to rural areas, ensuring that vulnerable women and children receive the comprehensive support they deserve.

Bridging the Gap:

We work tirelessly to bridge the gap between underserved communities and quality healthcare services. Through our partnerships with organizations like the Women’s Refugee Commission and the Borno State Primary Health Care Development Agency, we strive to increase access to Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Adolescent Health and Nutrition services (RMNCAH-N). Our Village Health Worker Project (VHW) and integration of community management of childhood illnesses (ICCM) have significantly improved healthcare access and outcomes.

Your Support Matters:

We cannot achieve our mission alone. Your support plays a crucial role in driving positive change and improving the lives of mothers and newborns. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, every action makes a difference. Together, we can empower communities, reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates, and create a world where every child has a chance to thrive.

Join Us:

Be a part of our journey towards better maternal and newborn health. Visit our website to learn more about our initiatives, get involved, or reach out to us with your questions and ideas. Together, let’s build a future where every woman and child has access to the care they deserve. Your support can make a world of difference.

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